Account Name: Joseph Mattappally
Account Category: SB
Account Number: 622102010004632
IFSC Code: UBIN0562211
Swift code: Ubininbbkch
Bank Name: Union Bank of India,
Ponkunnam, Kottayam Dist. Kerala 686 506
+91 9495875338
PS: Please make sure that all money transfers are followed by payment details (preferably the screen shot of the receipt), to 9495875338 (Joseph Mattappally, through WhatsApp or
The message should contain:
Full address of the subscriber with land marks, PIN code and mob. no.
Just pay and message!
Kind attention please!
It is found that regular update is happening in WPC Rules and Regulations. The most important of recent updates are permission to operate an Amateur Station from any point in India and again online deals in registrations and ASOC application details. We update the site with as many details as possible. However, die to our limitaions, we may not be updating all changes in WPC Rules and Regulations in time. Please bear with us.
Thank you
I would like to get a copy of Gateway to Ham Radio.I shall send money through Google Pay.
ReplyDeleteThank Venu VU2DAA.