Frequently asked questions (FAQ)
FAQ - WPC Rules and Regulations (Download 2024 gazette notification)
1. Who can become a HAM?
Answer: Any citizen of India who is above 12 years of age is eligible to become a ham by qualifying in the Amateur Station Operators Certificate examination and thus obtaining a valid license.
2. Is there any special condition for minors applying for the license?
Answer: Yes. Applicants between 12-18 years applying for the examination (both General and Restricted) need to provide an Undertaking declaration by the parent/guardian in the prescribed format.
1. Is it necessary that all SWLs/Hams should join an Association /Club?
No, never! Clubs/Associations function, either to promote any or all of the features attributed to this hobby or to safeguard the interests of its members. Beginners may definitely need the support of others for a proper and appropriate growth. A SWL, getting associated with like minded people and practising combined study also benefits much.
2. What is the difference between an Amateur Radio Operator and a Ham?
Quite a funny question. The word 'Ham' is a byname to 'Amateur Radio'. The exact source of the word 'Ham' is not clear. However, there is no difference between the two words except that in the West people call this Amateur Radio and in countries like India it is more known as Ham Radio.
3. Is it possible for an unlicensed SWL to hear Ham Radio conversations?
Dr. James Harris Rogers (1856-1929) was inventor of the "loop aerial" and holder of numerous patents in telegraphy, telephony and radio.
Dr. Rogers proved that water as well as earth and air is a medium for the transmission of electro-magnetic waves.
Probably the common word 'Roger' we say came in to use as a recognition for his services.
Great works sir. Really good steps. I think Beginners and other HAMs also be benefited from your Book and activities. Alwaya with you sir. keep it up.