Monday, 15 March 2021

Site at a glance!

This book, 'Gateway to Ham Radio' is much more than an Indian Amateur’s hand book: a short history of growth of electronics into Amateur Radio, with ref. to leading stories of inventions and advancements... a short but complete story of growth of Hamfests in India.... tips on Amateur Radio promotional activities... 

30 selected passionate social service stories of Hams….. basic electronics explained in a way that all students easily learn the preliminaries of electronics… easy methods to make world-class printed circuit boards at home and create own gadgets… measuring and repairing equipment, how to use them… how to convert your receiver into a sensitive ham band receiver… tips on low cost affordable ham radio equipment…. principles of transmitter building… assembling power supplies… WPC Rules and Regulations and 150 model question - answers for Amateur Radio aspirants… 

Precisely, ‘Gateway to Ham Radio’ is an entry ticket into the world of electronics - an ideal gift you can give to your children and well wishers,  in this centenary year of Radio in India! 

Carefully prepared by a team of veteran Hams! And made available at so low a price!

What is Ham Radio? - OM James Kalassery VU2ARL in Wireless ’93 souvenir 
